Investorclix Forum

premier paiement

Started by leilou35 Aug 11th, 2018 at 20:46
Posts: 2
Aug 11th, 2018 at 20:46
Investorclix sent you $9.17 USD
Dear [email protected],
Just thought you'd like to know Investorclix sent you $9.17 USD.

Note from Investorclix:
This payment has been made by to Member leilou35. Please! upload your proof of payment on forum.

Once the money's there you can:
Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.
Transfer it to your bank account (takes 2-3 days).
Don't see the money in your account?
If you haven't confirmed your email address with us yet, you won't see the money in your account until you do. Confirm your email address now (You'll need your confirmation code: 0761-8874-5540-4301-8188)

When that's done, the money will show up in your PayPal account and you'll be able to see the complete payment details. (It sometimes takes a few minutes.)

Yours sincerely,